For seven weeks, from May 28 to July 16, my wife Cynthia and I are walking the Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago) in northern Spain, an ancient pilgrimage route leading to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, said to hold the remains of St. James, the disciple of Jesus. Cynthia and I will join innumerable pilgrims who have made this walk since the 9th Century, estimated this year to be as many as 300,000.
This blog is for sharing progress and wonder with the Leverett Congregational Church community and other friends and family.
Thank you in advance for keeping Cynthia and me in your hearts and prayers. May we find beauty and wisdom and more along the way, and may these blessings lift us all.
All love - Lee
I’m so happy to see you walking your pilgrim way, it reminds me of the Native American vision quest. The photos are beautiful and your daily progress inspiring. As a couple walking together, pure grace. 🙏