Our Current Missions
December, 2024
Community Network for Children (CNC)
The Saturday, November 23Daily Hampshire Gazetteheadline read:“HungerSkyrockets in Region”giving us a glimpse into just how many families are struggling toput food on their family’s table. Our offering to bring Thanksgiving joy brought in $495worth of food gift cards giving an unexpected, much welcomed boost to many of ourlocal families in need. Well done!
Thursday CNC Children's Closet
Visit us on Thursdays from 8:00 a.m.-noon. Free children's clothes, diapers and more! We are still accepting donations of coats, boots, snow pants. We could also use pants and shirts in sizes 2 and 3.The Closet will be OPEN December 5, 12 and January 9,16, 23, 30Adopt a Family of Franklin County We will be supporting this charity and the good work they do to ensure Franklin County families with children in need experience a truly Merry Christmas, with toys, gifts, and food. We will be supporting Adopt-a-Family with money they need to supplement gifts, food, or other needs. Please donate by Sunday, December 15 so we can deliver our good will in time for Christmas. We will also be collecting clean, new or gently used clothing for their clothing room, very popular with the families. All clothing must be in the church vestibule by Sunday, December 8.
Meals on Wheels Again, this year we will be contributing the collection from the Candlelight Service to Meals on Wheels. The services Meals on Wheels offers have a huge impact on our local community. Fifty volunteers deliver free hot meals daily to those in our community who cannot prepare meals themselves. Microwaveable frozen meals provide simple meal preparation for dinner and weekends. This one act has so many benefits such as helping the homebound beat isolation, giving their loved ones peace of mind knowing someone is checking in on them often, as well as ensuring they receive daily nourishment. More than anything, most people wish tostay in their homes as long as they are able and Meals on Wheels makes that possible.
Ways to Donate—-Cash or check
Make checks payable to Leverett Congregational Church; place in the collection plate or mail to: PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054; or donate online at https://www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate. In the memo or comments sections specify where you wish to contribute:
•CNC (Community Network for Children
•Meals on Wheels.
You can make one donation and specify how much should go to each. You can donate cash in church to Beth Raffeld, Mary Hankinson, or Claudia Gere
November, 2024
CROP Hunger Walk
With your generosity, our congregation raised $815! That will go a long way to provide
resources that help alleviate world hunger and provide safe drinking water. Our money
could be used for: Biosand water filters, groceries for refugee families, acres of sweet
potatoes, fuel efficient stoves. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised go to local
resources such as the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. Kim Mohlar, Lee
Barstow, and Claudia Gere represented our church family in this year’s walk in
Shelburne on October 6.
When we walk together, we have a local and worldwide impact that is far greater than
any of us could achieve alone!
Neighbors in Need (NIN)
This special missions offering of the United Church of Christ supports ministries of
justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support
the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds of this offering is used by
the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice
initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants.
In 2024-25, the Neighbors in Need theme is “Mental Health Justice For All.”
In 2015, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ passed a resolution to become WISE (Welcoming,
Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) for mental health. A just world for all is a world where the
human rights and well -being of people with mental health challenges are respected, no matter who you
are or where you are in life’s mental health journey.
During the month of November,
you can make donations for NIN by check made
out to Leverett Congregational Church (write“NIN”in the memo line), in the collection
plate or via USPS: PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054, or online write "NIN" in the
comments of an online donation at
When we contribute collectively, we have an impact. We provide resources that can
help ministries of justice and compassion reach those most in need of our support.
From the Community Network for Children (CNC)
As in past years, we will be contributing food gift cards to the CNC to help local
families in need enjoy holiday meals. We are asking for $20 or $25 Big Y or Stop &
Shop cards. You can donate cash in church for Claudia Gere, Mary Hankinson, or Beth Raffeld to purchase gift cards for you. You can also donate online at
(CNC in comments section).
Please give your cards or cash donations by Sunday, November 17 so the CNC can distribute to families.
Children’s Closet
The CNC Children's Closet has been very active every Thursday with families lookingfor warm clothing for the colder months. The Closet will be open on the followingThursdays (drop-in/no appointment needed) from 8 a.m.to noon:
•November 7, 14, 21 OPEN
•December 5, 12 OPEN
For families who cannot make a Thursday morning, call/textor email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator,978-935-4909orcnccoord@erving.comto make an appointment.
The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to be able to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer tofamilies for free. We welcome clean donations of winter clothing, boots, wool underclothes, mittens, gloves and otherwarm clothing.
We are located at the Leverett Congregational Church’s Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett
October, 2024
Franklin County CROP Hunger Walk
The Franklin County CROP Hunger Walk is Sunday, October 6, 2024, in
Shelburne with 2- and 4-mile walks. We will walk to fight against the challenges of
food and water insecurity, disaster, displacement, and other concerns that leave
people hungry. Join with us as we raise funds
to help neighbors near and far get the meals
and drinking water they need for today and
sustainability for tomorrow. The walk will also
raise money to support those struggling in the
area, with 25 percent of funds we raise reserved for Franklin County.
CWS (Church World Service) partnering with Honduras is one example of what
your support means. In Honduras, 50 percent of the population lives in poverty.
Your support of the CROP Hunger Walk is giving Hondurans a real chance to
thrive in spite of their challenges. Hondurans are learning ways to use less wood
with eco-stoves (to decrease unwanted deforestation), increase water access, and
grow more food with resilient farming practices to adapt to climate change. Your
support means that Hondurans are able to feed their families and earn an income.
In so many places throughout the world, your contributions go a long way to
helping families enjoy a better life. For example:
$20 provides a family with chickens to provide a constant supply of eggs
(protein) helping children become stronger and healthier.
$30 provides a home with a water filter for safe drinking water.
$60 provides three families with home gardening supplies for extra income and
fresh food.
Please join us (Lee Barstow, Kim Molar, Claudia Gere) or walk with us
through your contributions. Shortcut to make an online
contribution (use upper and lowercase): http://tiny.cc/LCCcrop
OR Full URL: https://events.crophungerwalk.org/cropwalks/team/leverettcongregational-church
OR Contact Clauda Gere, Claudia@ClaudiaGere.com 413-359-0003 with
any questions.
Details for the walk
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Registration opens 1 pm, walk begins at 2 pm
First Congregational Church of Shelburne UCC, Fellowship Hall
22 Church, Shelburne, MA 01370 USA
September, 2024
Franklin County CROP Hunger Walk
The Franklin County CROP Hunger Walk is Sunday, October 6, 2024 in Shelburne. We can choose between a 2-and 4-mile walk. We will walk to fight against the challenges of food and water insecurity, disaster, displacement, and other concerns that leave people hungry. Join with us as we raise funds to help neighbors near and far get the meals and drinking water they need for today and sustainability for tomorrow. The walk will also raise money to support those struggling in the area with 25 percent of funds we raise reserved for Franklin County.
Church World Service partnering with Honduras is one example of what your support means. In Honduras, 50 percent of the population lives in poverty. Your support of the CROP Hunger Walk is giving Hondurans a real chance to thrive in spite of their challenges. Hondurans are learning ways to use less wood with eco-stoves (to decrease unwanted deforestation), increase water access, and grow more food with resilient farming practices to adapt to climate change.
Your support means that Hondurans are able to feed their families and earn an income.
In so many places throughout the world, your contributions go a long way to helping families enjoy a better life. For example:$20 provides a family with chickens to provide a constant supply of eggs (protein)helping children become stronger and healthier.
$30 provides a home with a water filter for safe drinking water.
$60 provides three families with home gardening supplies for extra income and fresh food.
Please join us or walk with us through your contributions.
Shortcut to make an online contribution and sign up to walk: use upper and lowercase http://tiny.cc/LCCcrop
Full URL:https://events.crophungerwalk.org/cropwalks/team/leverett-congregational-church
Contact Clauda Gere, Claudia@ClaudiaGere.com 413-359-0003 with any questions.
Details for the walk
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Registration opens 1 pm, walk begins at 2 pm
First Congregational Church of Shelburne UCC,
Fellowship Hall
22 Church, Shelburne, MA 01370 USA
Community Network for Children CNC
CNC Children's Closet schedule for the coming Thursdays, from 8:00am-Noon at theDixon House and by appointment if unable to make this time:
•September 5, 19, 26 OPEN
•September 12 CLOSED
•October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 OPEN
No appointment needed on these OPEN dates to visit the Closet but you can alwayssend us a text before you come to make sure there are no schedule changes! Call/Text413-422-0170
Claudia Gere, Chair
Mary Hankinson, Beth Raffeld
May, 2024
Thank you for $535 in contributions to our One Great Hour of Sharing offering. Our generous contributions will shine God’s light on people in 138 countries, including ours.
OUR LIGHT SHINES: The United Nations High Commission on Refugees reports that there are currently almost 110 million people forcibly displaced from their homes. This figure includes at least 36.4 million refugees, in addition to another six million Palestinians. It is the highest number of displaced in recorded human history. Your OGHS funds are shining light to help in ways we can trust to mitigate suffering,
OUR LIGHT SHINES: Most often, we think of displaced persons as those who have fled wars, violence, or persecution, but there are many other reasons for migration, such as lack of economic opportunity, lack of access to natural resources like water, food, and energy, and climate change. Your contributions bring tools and seeds for refugees returning home to replant their fields; wells for families living in drought prone areas to provide clean, safe water to drink and to irrigate crops and gardens; literacy training and microcredit for women struggling to realize their potential.
OUR LIGHT SHINES: After natural disasters our United Church of Christ OGHS funds provide what is most needed for the specific relief or disaster, teaming up with local organizations who know what’s needed most. That might include blankets, tents, food, and other emergency supplies.
Our mission brings the light of hope to so many for whom the world looks bleak
April, 2024
The CNC Children's Closet will beclosed the week of April 15. Otherwise itwill be open on Thursdays (drop-in/noappointment needed) from 8 a.m. tonoon and by appointment as needed onother days, for families who cannotmake a Thursday morning. The FranklinHampshire area Diaper Bank continuesto supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free.We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text oremail Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170 orbudine@erving.comThank you to our church community for supporting the Community Networkfor Children Children's Closet!
February -March, 2024
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)
One Great Hour of Sharing, a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ, involves you in disaster, refugee/immigration, and development ministries throughout the world. When a disaster strikes or people are displaced or made refugees by violence or extreme poverty, you are part of the immediate response, and unlike so many other organizations, stay for the long-term recovery.
OGHS through development programs including health care, education, agriculture, water and food sustainability, micro-financing, and women’s empowerment, you also address worldwide the underlying causes that create needs in the first place. Because the UCC works in partnership with churches and organizations through Global Ministries and worldwide response and recovery networks (sourcing local aid organizations who know the needs), your contributions to One Great Hour of Sharing put you in the right place at the right time fulfilling the right needs for the relief and recovery. Last month we showed just a few ways our donations have helped (for a full list, see http://tinyurl.com/yvz3qgor).
You will find OGHS envelopes at the back of the church Sunday, March 3, 2024, for our month-long collection. Make your check payable to the Leverett Congregational Church and write OGHS in the memo line. You can make your donation either in person at church using the OGHS envelopes, by mail to P.O. Box 324, Leverett, MA 01054, or online at https://www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate(write OGHS in the comments). Collectively our contributions make an enormous impact helping those who are most vulnerabl
Where Our UCC Donations Go
In March, we will hold our annual collection for the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)initiative hosted by the United Church of Christ. Here are just a few ways our denomination helped during 2022 through UCC Global H.O.P.E. grants, which include OGHS. For a full list, seehttp://tinyurl.com/yvz3qgor.
R3SM, Inc., Hattiesburg, Miss.–$20,000 in construction assistance for underserved populations, especially marginalized populations impacted by natural disasters.
Brightmoor Connection, Detroit, Mich.–$20,000to help households whose economies were negatively affected by the COVID pandemic. Funds will help with payment of water bills for those households who had experienced water shutoffs during the pandemic, and provide some limited emergency housing assistance for families experiencing eviction and displacement.
Bowling Green/Warren County, Ky., Long-Term Recovery Group–$5,000for organizational necessities for the LTRG’s case management and coordinated program of recovery from tornados in December 2021 and January 2022.coordinated recovery program of case management for Bowling Green and Warren County residentsaffected by the disaster.
Eastern Shore Long-Term Recovery Committee Seed Grant–$5,000 toward recovery following an unnamed tidal flooding storm hit the lower Delmarva Peninsula on October 29, 2021. No access to state or government funding is available for temporary housing for these underserved, poor, racially, and culturally diverse households. Most, if not all, of the grant would be used to purchase materials to replace at least eight homes(new builds) and repair of over 115 homes. It will also support salary for the disaster pro-gram manager if the grant allows, with whatever cap is established. Funding source: Severe Storms 2021.
Zimbabwe Council of Churches via UCC/Disciples Global Ministries–$7,500for recovery in northeastern Zimbabwe from Tropical Cyclone Ana in January. The project will train 254 households in small-scale livestock production and rehabilitate or establish 24 community gardens benefiting 450 households.
ACT Alliance Horn & East Africa Appeal–$20,000for emergency response, early recovery and resilience building for drought-affected populations in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia.
ACT Alliance Ukraine Appeal–$75,000for food, shelter, protection against violence an human trafficking, and other survival necessities for refugees and IDPs in Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.
Church World Service–$25,000for humanitarian assistance in Moldova and Romania, including shelter, food, medical, transportation assistance, spiritual and psychological care, and anti-gender-based violence and human trafficking
December, 2023
Adopt-a-Family of Franklin County
We will be supporting this charity and the good work they do to ensure Franklin County families with children in need experience a truly Merry Christmas, with toys, gifts, and food. Rather than adopting one family will be supporting the effort with money they need to supplement missing gifts or food. Please donate by Sunday December 10 so we can deliver our good will in time for Christmas. We will also be collecting clean, new or gently used clothing for their clothing room, very popular with the families. All clothing mustbe in the church vestibule by Sunday, December 3.
Meals on Wheels
Again, this year we will be contributing the collection from the Candlelight Service to Meals on Wheels. The services Meals on Wheels offers have a huge impact on our local community. Fifty volunteers deliver free hot meals daily to those in our community who cannot prepare meals themselves. Microwaveable frozen meals provide simple meal preparation for dinner and weekends. This one act has so many benefits such as helping shut-ins beat isolation, giving their loved ones peace of mind knowing someone is checking in on them often, as well as ensuring they receive daily nourishment. More than anything, most people wish to stay in their homes as long as they are able and Meals on Wheels makes that possible.
From the Community Network for Children (CNC)
We raised $380 in gift cards for families in need of our good cheer for their Thanksgiving meals! So many families experienced amore joyous occasion because of your generosity. We will continue with donations for $20 or $25 Big Y or Stop & Shop gift cards for Christmas meals. Please give your cards or cash donations by Sunday, December 10 so the CNC can distribute to families in time for Christmas.
Children’s Closet
At the children's closet we can always use water resistant mittens and gloves, snow pants and winter coats. Typically the most need for snow pants and winter coats are sizes 3 to 5 years of age. The CNC Children's Closet has been very active every Thursday with families looking for warm clothing for the colder months.
The Closet continues to be open on Thursdays (drop-in/no appointment needed) from 8am to noon and by appointment as needed on other days for families who cannot make a Thursday morning. The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to be able to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free. We welcome clean donations of winter clothing, boots, wool underclothes, mittens, gloves and other warm clothing.
In September and October we saw 56 families at the Children's Closet... And another 30 families in November! We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170 orbudine@erving.com
Thank you to our church community for your continued support of the CNC Children's Closet!
November, 2023
From the Community Network for Children (CNC)
As in past years, we will be contributing food gift cards to the CNC to help local families in need enjoy holiday meals. We are asking for $20 or $25 Big Y or Stop & Shop cards. You can donate cash in church for Claudia Gere, Mary Hankinson or Beth Raffeld to purchase gift cards for you. You can also donate online at https:// www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate (CNC in comments section).
Please give your cards or cash donations by Sunday, November 12 so the CNC can distribute to families in time for Thanksgiving. We will continue to ask for food cards into December to help with Christmas meals.
Children’s Closet
At the children's closet we can always use water resistant mittens and gloves, snow pants and winter coats. Typically the biggest need is for snow pants and winter coats, sizes 3 to 5 years of age.
The CNC Children's Closet has been very active every Thursday with families looking for warm clothing for the colder months. The Closet continues to be open on Thursdays (dropin/no appointment needed) from 8 to noon and by appointment as needed on other days for families who cannot make a Thursday morning. The Franklin Hampshire area Diaper Bank continues to be able to supply us with disposable diapers we can offer to families for free. We welcome clean donations of winter clothing, boots, wool underclothes, mittens, gloves and other warm clothing.
A family shared with us.... “They (CNC) have provided a significant amount of my child's clothing for the past two years with the Children's Closet. It doesn't feel like charity either, it feels like a place for local families to share and reuse perfectly nice clothing. I love it.”
We are located at the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text or email Gillian Budine, CNC Program Coordinator 413-422-0170 or budine@erving.com Thank you to our church community for supporting the CNC Children's Closet!
Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Twothirds of this offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants.
This year’s focus is on environmental justice. Plastics, electronics, and other non-compostable wastes are being shipped across, and even tossed into, our waterways, launched into space, as well as buried in landfills. Funds will be used to help us be better stewards of our planet!
You can make donations for NIN by check made out to Leverett Congregational Church (write “NIN” in the memo line), in the collection plate or via USPS: PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054, or online write "NIN" in the comments of an online donation at https:// www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate
When we contribute collectively, we have an impact. We provide resources that can help ministries of justice and compassion reach those most in need of our support.
Adopt-a-Family of Franklin County
We will be supporting this charity and the good work they do to ensure Franklin County families with children in need experience a truly Merry Christmas, with toys/gifts and food.
Rather than adopting one family will be supporting the effort with cash, check, and online (Adopt-a-Family) donations by December 10. Make checks payable to: Leverett Congregational Church (write “Adopt-a-Family” in the memo line), PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054, online donation at https://www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/ donate
We will also be collecting clean, gently used clothing for their clothing room, very popular with the families. All clothing must be in the church vestibule by Sunday, December 3.
CROP Hunger Walk raised $570 to provide resources that help alleviate world hunger and provide safe drinking water. Among the items our money could be used for: Bios and water filters, groceries for refugee families, acres of sweet potatoes, fuel efficient stoves. Kim Mohlar represented our church family in this year’s walk in Orange on October 1, 2023. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised go to local resources such as the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts.
When we walk together, we have a local and worldwide impact that is far greater than any of us could achieve alone!
October, 2023
You still have time! Donate to CROP walk, stepping off in Orange, October 1. Yes, of course you can make a late donation. See Kim Mohlar or Lee Barstow who signed up to walk. Or give online: https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2023/team/leverett-congregational-church
Support hungry people around the world and here ... 25 percent of the proceeds are returned to aid Franklin County food assistance programs.
September, 2023
Church World Service (CWS) CROP Hunger Walk The prolonged war in Ukraine, on top of the pandemic and other disasters is causing a global food crisis. Millions are on the brink of famine. The CROP Hunger Walk and the funds we raise will feed the hungry through CWS. When you join the CROP Hunger Walk by donating and raising funds, you will provide life-saving support like emergency food along with the seeds, tools and programs that will help families feed themselves in the future. For example:
Groceries for refugee families settling into their new life in the U.S.
Chickens to provide a constant supply of eggs (protein), helping children become stronger and healthier.
Water filters to equip households with a daily supply of fresh, clean water for drinking, washing and cooking.
Not only do our funds benefit the hungry around the world, 25 percent of the proceeds are returned to aid Franklin County food assistance programs.
When and Where
2023 Franklin County CROP Hunger Walk is Sunday, October 1, at 2 p.m., starting and ending at Orange United Methodist Church at 104 South Main St.. Registration begins at 1 p.m..
You can reach out to our walkers to donate or pledge or make your donation online to our Leverett Congregational Church team:https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2023/team/leverett-congregational-churchTo join as a walker or
for more information, contact Claudia@ClaudiaGere.com, 413-359-0003.
Community Network for Children (CNC) Special Open Closet
CNC will be holding an Open Closet event on Saturday, September 9, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
FREE children's clothes (newborn -14 yrs.), books, shoes and more! We welcome clean donations of fall/winter clothing, winter and puddle boots, coats, snow pants, wool underclothes, mittens and other warm clothing.
At the Dixon house. Rain or shine
Regular Children’s Closet will be open Thursdays 8 a.m. to Noon. FREE children’s clothing, diapers, baby items, and information.
At the Dixon House, 4 Montague Road, Leverett. Call/Text Gillian Budine 413-422-0170.
June, 2023
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)Thank you to our generous church community for your donations to One Great Hour of Sharing, a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ. The $745 we raised means we are sending our love and support when a disaster strikes or people are displaced or made refugees by violence or extreme poverty. You are part of the immediate response and of the long-term recovery.
Community Network for Children There was an OPEN Closet day on Saturday, May 20th. More than 15families visited for clothes, diapers, summer shoes and more!
The Community Network for Children Closet is open on Thursdays from Noon-4:00 p.m. by drop-in or appointment. FREE children's clothing, coats, hats, diapers, books, and more! The CNC Closet will be closed starting June 22nd and will reopen on July13th. Please check in about a time to visit by contacting Gillian Budine by email, budine@erving.com, or calling/texting at 413-422-0170. Drop-in available but best to check in case there is a change in schedule. CNC Children's Closet is located in the Dixon House (church parsonage), 4 Montague Rd, Leverett.
Currently there is a Diaper Drive to support our local United Way Franklin and Hampshire County area diaper banks. The CNC Closet is one location that benefits from these donations. If you would like to donate you may drop off diapers or donations to support purchase at the Children's Closet in the Dixon House, contact Gillian to make arrangements, or use the link on the flyer (uw-fh.org/diaper-drive).
— Claudia Gere, Chair Mary Hankinson, Beth Raffeld
January, 2023
The Christmas Fund collection in January 2023 Despite the name Christmas Fund, your missions committee will collect your offerings during the month of January to support those who serve our churches and are facing financial difficulties. The Christmas Fund is one of the three United Church of Christ special collections. Please give generously as more of our veterans of the cross face these uncertain times. You can make donations to the Christmas Fund by mailing your check made out to Leverett Congregational Church (write “Christmas Fund” in the memo line), PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054 OR write "Christmas Fund" in the comments of an online donation at https:// www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate
Christmas Meals
Our congregation so generously has helped many families to gather around a table of bounty and celebrate Christmas. For this Christmas we collected $840 in food gift cards to support those in need, an impressive amount despite the short timeframe. What a wonderful thought, knowing we’ve given people an unexpected lift during these difficult times of inflationary food prices.
Adopt-a-Family of Franklin County.
With our impressive donations totaling $1,435, we have given families in need the means to have a memorable and joyful Christmas. Imagine the families whose circumstances suddenly change, forcing them into a shelter, not knowing how they will give their children any semblance of a Christmas. Because we joined together, these are just some of the kinds of families, especially the children, whom we have given the gift of Christmas joy. In past years this program has supported upwards of 500 families and their children.
CNC Children's Closet
FREE children's clothing, coats, hats, diapers, books, and more! We still have some snow pants and received a donation of new, small mittens. We are looking for winter boot donations! The Community Network for Children site is typically open on Thursdays from noon - 4:00 p.m.. Please make an appointment to visit by email (budine@erving.com) or calling/texting Gillian Budine at 413-422-0170. The CNC Children's Closet is located in the church parsonage (Dixon House), 4 Montague Rd, Leverett. Meals on Wheels Your missions committee will report on the Candlelight Service collection for Meals on Wheels in our next newsletter.
December, 2022
Christmastime is always the busiest for so many organizations asking for donations to support their causes, their programs, and services. With so many worthy causes to support, please choose the needs that speak most to you and your plans for giving this Christmas season.
Community Network for Children (CNC) The Children's Closet, at the Dixon House, still needs WATERPROOF/ Resistant mittens and gloves. Call/text Gillian at 413-422- 0170 with questions or to make an appointment to shop for FREE! Children’s clothes, diapers, baby items, and more; as well as local information and resources.
Christmas Meals Together we collected $300 of cards that helped families in need with Thanksgiving celebrations. Families who received your gift cards send along their heartfelt thanks! You can still bring the joy of a Christmas holiday meal by donating Big Y or Stop & Shop FOOD GIFT CARDS (or you can offer cash for your Missions Committee to buy gift cards for you).
We need your cards or donations by Sunday, December 11. Make checks out to Leverett Congregational Church, write CNC on the memo line for the collection plate, or mail to PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054. Or you can donate online at https://www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate and write CNC on the comments line.
Adopt-a-Family of Franklin County This year we can continue our support through our cash donations that Adopt-a-Family will convert into gifts or cards and distribute to families by need. Last year your generous donations brought unexpected joy to the lives of hundreds of local families. The need continues to grow as we face these challenging economic times.
Please send your contributions by Sunday, December 11 (yes, this is happening very quickly due to timing) so your contributions can reach families in time for a more joyous Christmas. Make checks out to Leverett Congregational Church, write Adopt on the memo line, put into the collection plate or mail to PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054. Donate online at https://www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate write Adopt on the comments line.
Meals on Wheels of Franklin County The Candlelight Service collection will go to Meals on Wheels, as is our tradition of supporting this organization, so important to our community. For those who are homebound, Meals on Wheels can be a lifeline. Someone checks in daily, a connection to the outside world. And they deliver healthy meals. Make checks payable to Leverett Congregational Church with Meals on Wheels on the memo line or deposit your cash in the offering plate on your way in or out of the church on December 23.
Neighbors in Need – THANK YOU! You contributed approximately $720, nearly double last year’s. Your overwhelming generosity supports the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM) as well as a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. We know our funds along with the other churches’ will go a long way toward projects this year to help recent immigrants. Well done!
November, 2022
Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. Neighbors in Need grants are awarded to UCC churches and organizations doing justice work in their communities. These grants fund projects whose work ranges from direct service to community organizing and advocacy to address systemic injustice.
In 2020, the NIN focus was on providing grants to programs that support our children: programs run by local churches and other organizations at the ground level, providing food, education, and health care to our under-served children.
In 2021, the focus was on those people we refer to as the homeless by offering support and grants to local organizations and churches.
This year, special consideration will be given to projects focusing on serving our immigrant neighbors and communities.
You can make donations to NIN by check made out to Leverett Congregational Church (write “NIN” in the memo line), in the collection plate or via USPS: PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054, or online write "NIN" in the comments of an online donation at https://www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate
When we contribute collectively, we have an impact. We provide resources that can help ministries of justice and compassion reach those most in need of our support. Community
Network for Children (CNC)
The Children's Closet is in need of WATERPROOF/ Resistant mittens and gloves. The Closet has been busy on Thursday afternoons! Many thanks for any and all support.
Gift Cards for Thanksgiving/Christmas Meals is a collection to help less fortunate local families celebrate the family tradition of sharing a bounteous meal during the holidays. This year inflation has made providing nutritious meals a true challenge for those who are struggling economically. We will be collecting gift cards from Stop & Shop and Big Y (your choice) to empower those in need to choose the food that will make them happiest. Your generosity will go a long way to spread the joy of the seasons. We will be collecting gift cards for holiday meals through November and mid-December. You can put the gift cards in the Missions mailbox in the church vestibule or hand to Claudia Gere (or Rich Connelly in her absence). Your Missions Committee will also convert your cash donations into food gift cards if you prefer:
Make checks out to Leverett Congregational Church, write CNC on the memo line, and put into the collection plate or mail to PO Box 324, Leverett MA 01054.
Donate online at https://www.leverettcongregationalchurch.org/donate write CNC on the comments line.
CROP Hunger Walk raised $620 (compared to your generous donations of $390 last year) to provide resources that help alleviate world hunger and provide safe drinking water. Kim Mohlar, Lee Barstow, and Claudia Gere participated in this year’s walk in Greenfield on October 2. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised go to local resources such as the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. Following Jim Perkins’ sermon about his sojourn to the flooddevastated region of Kentucky and the lack of healthy meals, just as our walking supports initiatives locally, so will the donations collected by the many churches in Kentucky who participated. The call-to-action for the Lexington, Kentucky, walk: “Our community WALK is for all concerned people wanting to 'do something' for all our Kentucky and global neighbors struggling with hunger and poverty.” When we walk together, we have a local and worldwide impact that is far greater than any of us could achieve alone.
October, 2022
CROP Hunger Walk, Sunday October 2
The CROP Hunger Walk is one of the most impactful ways we can contribute to the ongoing efforts to reduce hunger throughout the world, provide fresh drinking water and establish sustainable farming. This coming together of so many local churches turned even the smallest of contributions into 5.9 million dollars raised in 2021. While, our funds benefit the hungry and thirsty around the world, 25 percent of the proceeds are returned to aid Franklin County food assistance programs. Please support this year’s walkers: Kim Mohlar, Lee Barstow, and Claudia Gere, cash or check made out to CWS CROP. OR online at https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2022/ team/leverett-congregational-church. Scroll down to the invitation to support the Leverett Congregational Church team. You are welcome, of course, to join us on our walk.
When and Where:
Sunday, October 2, registration begins at 1 p.m. and the walk at 2 p.m., starting and ending at Greenfield United Methodist Church at 25 Church St. It’s OK if your donation comes in after that.
Leverett Police and Fire Department
Townwide Tag Sale, Saturday, October 8 The Leverett Congregational Church will host a table on Saturday, October 8, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Leverett Elementary School to support the Community Network for Children.
Calling for baked goods, farmers market produce, and any other goodies of your choosing. You can contribute by dropping off your goods the morning of the event, or we’ll be happy to pick up your donation the day or evening before; to arrange for pickup, please contact Claudia Gere, Claudia@ClaudiaGere.com, 413-359-0003 (text or call).
July-August 2022
Community Network for Children (CNC)
The CNC office and programs will be on break beginning June 27 and will resume a summer schedule on July 11. CNC staff can be reached by email, phone call, text (413-422-0170) or message away! Please reach out with any questions! After July 11,
The CNC Children's Clothing Closet is OPEN by APPOINTMENT ONLY on Thursdays, 12-4 p.m. If you can’t make Thursdays, then please contact them to arrange another time. They have LOTS of clothing for newborn to elementary age children all for FREE! In addition, they have diapers for those who need some to get them through the month. They can distribute a package of diapers to families once a month. They are currently accepting clothing for warm weather. Please contact them to reserve a time to visit, call/text (413) 422-0170.
June 2022
The CNC Children's Clothing Closet
The Children's Closet is OPEN by APPOINTMENT ONLY on Thursdays, 12-4 p.m. If you can’t make Thursdays, then please contact them to arrange another time. They have LOTS of clothing for newborn to elementary age children all for FREE! In addition, they have diapers for those who need some to get them through the month. They can distribute a package of diapers to families 1x a month. They are currently accepting clothing for warm weather. Please contact them to reserve a time to visit, call/ text (413) 422-0170. Approximately 20 families attended the CNC Children’s Clothing Closet OPEN HOUSE at the Dixon House this past May. With warm weather around the corner, many took advantage of the free clothing available and the camaraderie of other families with young children.
UCC One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)
Your generous OGHS donations of $415 will help support Ukrainians in their effort to maintain their independence, as well as providing support for the many refugees, draughtstricken areas of Africa, and many other area of need around the world.
May 2022
Community Network for Children (CNC)
The CNC Children's Clothing Closet NEW HOURS—The Children's Closet is OPEN byAPPOINTMENT ONLY on Thursdays, 12-4p.m. If you can’t make Thursdays, then pleasecontact the CNC to arrange another time. They have LOTS of clothing for newborn toelementary age children all for FREE! In addition, they have diapers for those who need someto get them through the month. They can distribute apackage of diapers to families 1x a month. They are currently accepting clothing for warm weather. Please contact them to reserve a time to visit,call/text (413) 422-0170.
CNC Open House
Mark your calendars for the CNC Children’s Clothing Closet OPEN HOUSE, May 21, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Dixon House, 4Montague Rd., Leverett, to be held outside. Cancelled if raining. Come for FREE clothes. Warm weather clothing donations accepted—must be clean and in good condition. Open to all with young children, Newborn—Elementary Age. Questions? Contact Gillian Budine,Budine@erving.comor413-422-0170 call/text.
UCC One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)
OGHS gives us the opportunity to join approximately4,800 churches and 773,500 members of the UnitedChurch of Christ to direct financial support and ensurewe stand with vulnerable people worldwide duringtimes of crisis. Our month-long campaign will go along way to help those whom we see in the forefrontof the news, especially Ukraine, and those who aremore invisible without prominent advocates. With your contributions stillarriving, we’ll report your generosity in the June Clarion
Thank You from Your Missions Committee
Claudia Gere, Chair, Rich Connelly, Mary Hankinson