About Us

Our church sits in the center of Leverett, across from the Post Office and Town Hall.
The Emerson Garden, nearby on Putney road continues to be “a gem in the center of town” as one visitor observed. As it continues to grow and mature, it is a magnificent spot. Additionally the lakeside lot to the west provides the opportunity for inspirational open-air outings and services.
Last year, we experienced another year of inspiring sermons and leadership from Pastor Barstow accompanied by music from our choir under the direction of Michèle Smith. We continued to hold our traditional special worships events – Easter sunrise service followed by a pancake breakfast, the lakeside service and annual picnic in July, and our December Christmas candlelight service.
We collect and provide to the Greenfield Family Inn for families in transition personal care products.
We raise money and walk with the annual Crop Walk for Hunger and Meals on Wheels.
We make meal deliveries for Lucio Perez, a refugee supported by local church communities and receiving sanctuary in the First Congregational Church in Amherst.
We continue to reach out to local organizations to determine how the
efforts of our congregation can have the greatest impact on our local community, such as the creation of a special needs fund for the Community Network for Children.