About Our Pastor, Lee Barstow
In a joyous, solemn May 4, 2014 ceremony, Lee Barstow was installed as pastor of the Leverett Congregational Church.The full church included members of the congregation, represented formally by Rich Connelly and Mary Raboin. The service included, as usual, Passing of Christ’s Peace, Leverett’s spirited version being a revelation to visitors. In fact Dick Hankinson, in comments before reading scripture, offered to run it by a second time.
Both a worship service and formal installation, participants included Rev. Tadd Allman-Morton, Rev. Sarah Buteux, Rev. Kelly Gallagher, Rev. Philip Hall, Rev. Caroline Meyers, Roshi Eve Myonen Marko, Rev. David Whitely and three followers from Leverett’s New England Peace Pagoda. The choir sang and Sheldon Ross played trumpet. The “Service of Covenant” had been likened by Lee to a wedding where the parties, pastor and congregation, make mutual commitment with each other.
Ralph Tiner, garbed in a trench coat, could be seen beforehand directing cars to suitable parking, leading Barbara Tiner to observe that he looked like a funeral director.
A reception followed in the Leverett town hall. Barbara Tiner presented Lee with a stole of her creation, from the congregation. Festive foods, prepared by the formidable social activities committee, included a cake decorated on top with “We Do!” in keeping with the wedding analogy.